AHH! Winter weather in Lake Louise....I do have to say coming from England to the sunny climes of Lake Louise was a bit of a shock, as although in Lake Louise the sun does nearly always shine -it can still be minus 30 out ! So if you don't want to get used to squinting due to the glare off the snow, buy yourself some really good sunglasses/goggles before you get here and then never take them off! That being said, I will take sunshine (in any form) over clouds, rain & wind -because lets face it - the sun being out makes everything just feel right, don't you agree? Basically anyone who comes here knows, that the weather in Lake Louise during the 'winter' months (October-May) is either going to be snowing and cold or sunny and cold and on the plus side - you don't need to plan what you are going to wear; just put on everything you brought with you, creating multiple layers that you can remove one by one as necessary! (Of course you know, you are going to look odd wearing 2 hats, 3 pairs of gloves, 4 pairs of socks, a yard or so of scarves as well as nose warmer, but at least you won't freeze to death on your way to and from the ski-hill or while you are out skating on the Lake. (All the 'true' Canadians are probably rolling their eyes at this article and thinking what a wimp I must be to complain about minus 30 being cold..... but let me tell you, when you come from a country with a mild climate (like Britain has) anything under 0 degrees IS cold!
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